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Take my queen!


One of the hardest challenges during an attack is consistently finding aggressive moves.

1. e4 Nf6

2. Nc3 d5

3. e5 d4

4. exf6 dxc3

5. exg7 cxd2+

6. Bxd2 Bxg7

7. Qf3!?

The idea of this pawn sacrifice belongs to the Swedish GM Johnny Hector, who is known for his attacking style. Engines do not particularly agree with this way to handle the position, but on the other hand, White creates some practical problems.


8. Rd1 Nd7

Essentially, White has many open lines, but nothing more than that.

My way to play this position (totally gut-feeling, as it was a 1-minute game) was to move the queen from f3 with tempo to allow the development of my knight and follow with Bc4 targeting f7, which is the weakest point in Black's position.

9. Qb3 Bf6

10. Nf3 c6

11. Bc4 e6

12. 0-0 Qb6

Obviously, White should avoid exchanging queens, which would dramatically reduce his attacking potential. The engine is telling me that immediately 13.Qd3 would have been very strong, but I wanted to deviate Black's queen to c5 to not to worry about Nc5 (which was probably not so good, as the knight is not so well placed in c5).

13. Qa3 Qc5

14. Qd3 Ne5?

I did expect this move, which the engine considers a serious mistake. Indeed, White keeps developing gaining tempi.

15. Nxe5 Qxe5

16. Rfe1 Qd4

However, the question for White remains: how are we going to develop our attack? Certainly, we cannot allow Black to exchange queens (in fact, the engine suggests 17.Qf3, with a big advantage). I have found another, more challenging in my opinion, alternative.

My opponent completely missed my idea.

17. Bg5! Qxd3

18. Bxf6!!

Keep finding aggressive moves! The threat of a checkmate in d8 forces Black to return the queen.


19. Rxd1 0-0

20. Rd3!

Black is not safe yet! And he will never be. The game ended in a few moves, but the position is already won for White (about +6 according to Stockfish).


21. Rg3+ Rh7

22. Bd3+ Kh6

23. Bg7#

If you are wondering what was the best defense for Black, the engine suggests:


21. Rg3+ Kf8

22. Bd3 Re7

23. Bxh7 Ke8

24. h4 Kd7

25. h5 Re8

26. h6

Bg8 - h7 - h8=Q are next. Notice that Black's material advantage does not help him at all.

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