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Good piece vs. bad piece


When we start playing chess, we are told that each piece has a value. This is to offer us guidelines about what we should consider a decent trade and what not. However, these values are essentially meaningless without context. The real value of a piece is determined by its activity, the pawn structure, the synergetic effect that it may have together with other pieces, the position of the opponent's king, etc.

This is why you should always think twice when you can trade a piece.

me! - chewbacca_007

1.e4 c5

2.b3 Nc6

3.Bb2 e5

Creating a weak square in d5.

4.Bc4 d6

5.Nc3 Nf6

6.Nge2 Be7

7.d3 0-0

8.Ng3 h6

9.Nf1 Be6

10.Ne3 Nd4

White took a long time to manoeuvre his knight to e3, but this may be possible since this is a close position and Black cannot exploit his advantage in development. Now, White plans to occupy d5 and eliminate the Black's knight in d4 (e.g., Bxd4) or force it away (e.g., c2-c3).

11.a4 Rb8

12.0-0 a6

13.Ncd5 b5

14.axb5 axb5

15.Nxf6 Bxf6

16.Bd5 Bxd5

17.Nxd5 Be7

This is the situation after several exchanges. I evaluated it much better for White and the engine agrees (+2.0!). The knight in d5 is stronger than the bishop in e7 because of the specific pawn structure. Moreover, White has control of the a-column.

18.c4 bxc4

19.Bxd4! exd4

20.bxc4 f5?!

It is hard to defend passively an inferior position. However, this attack is unjustified, as Black has no pieces to support it. Eventually, the new weaknesses created by this move will lead to a quick loss.

21.exf5 Rxf5

22.Qg4 Rf8

23.Qe6+ Rf7

24.Ra7! Kf8

25.Re1 Rb2

26.Rxe7 Rxe7



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