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Capablanca - Thomas, Hastings 1919

We are slowly getting there, don't worry. We just need to explore a couple of games more and then we can consider this open games adventure over. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 d6 4.Nc3 Nf6 5.d4 Be7 6.0-0 Bd7 7.Re1 Nxd4 8.Nxd4 exd4 9.Qxd4 Bxb5 10.Nxb5 Our tabiya. In this position, Black played 11...a6 (diagram). Think for 5 minutes and evaluate this move.

My gut feeling is that, in this moment, a6 can only be beneficial for White. Black has more urgent problems, he has to castle, play Re8, and then if he can also Nd7/Bf6. Ideally, White's knight would like to be in d5 as it is not really threatening anything from b5. The move is absolutely not fatal, but it is suspicious - does Black know what he is supposed to do?

Facts prove that he didn't. After 11.Nc3 0-0 12.Bg5 he should have played 12...Re8. 12...Nd7 13.Bxe7 Qxe7 14.Nd5 (diagram).

By the means of threats (essential in dynamic open games), White keeps the initiative. 14...Qd8 15.Re3! the target is g7, 15...Ne5 16.Rg3 f6 (diagram). The point was not to give checkmate (I mean, it was but Black would clearly stop that). It was to force Black to create new weaknesses to defend himself, and weaknesses gives you a target to develop a plan.

White continues by playing actively for the initiative. 17.f4 Nc6 18.Qc3 Rf7 (diagram). Now White moves, think for 5 minutes.

This is an important moment, as sometimes beginners are afraid of such moves. You should ask yourself: "where is the target?" (Black's king and pawn g7), "how can I increase the attack against it?" (unlikely with the other rook, but possible with my knight if I bring it to its ideal square, which is e6), "is it feasible?" (yes it is, I have to play f5/Nf4/Ne6, and Black cannot stop me). Don't be afraid to give the e5 outpost to Black when you get the e6 outpost. Your knight is powerful and does its job. Black's knight looks pretty but hits only air. 19.f5 Qf8 20.Qb3 Kh8 (White was threatening Nxf6+) 21.Nf4 Ne5 (diagram). White has got a superior position. White moves, you have 2-3 minutes.

This is the time to convert your excellent dynamic play into something. Black was forced to waste many tempi to defend his king, and White can finally win material. Devastating is the simple 22.Qxb7 Rb8 23.Qxa6 Rxb2 (diagram). White moves, you have 3-5 minutes.

You should reorganise your pieces once again. The rook g3 has achieved its purpose and can be now switched to the other side with 24.Rb3! Black is left with the unpleasant choice of exchanging the rook and playing an inferior middle game with less material, or equalise the material with 24...Rxc2 White will now obtain the column, which is bloody worrisome. 25.Rab1 h6? (diagram). Black panicked and made a move that makes it easy for White.

Time for a little tactics, you have 2-3 minutes.

You should always consider forcing moves first 26.Ng6+ Nxg6 27.fxg6 Re7 28.Rb8 Re8 (diagram) this was all forced. And now the last move you should have seen is 29.Qa8! 1-0

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