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Be dynamic!


This is how you play when you want to win fast!

Me! - TourneyPro (, 22 Jan 2022)

1.Nf3 f5 2.e4!?

Black was probably expecting 2.d4, returning into the path of the Dutch Defense. I rather sacrifice a pawn to challenge the centre immediately!

2...fxe4 3.Ng5 Nf6 4.d3!?

My opponent bravely (crazily!?) accept the pawn, and I am ready to offer another one already! White's last move intends to open the position as much as possible to exploit Black's weaknesses on the light square (remember the 1...f5, 2...fxe4 thing?).

4...e5 5.dxe4 h6 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.Bc4 d6

Black manages to create a solid centre and also to kick away my knight (but 5...h6 comes at the price of more weaknesses on the light squares!). Notice that White does not need to waste time defending the e4-pawn. We need to develop quickly to crush our opponent! Also, 7...Nxe4 would have immediately lost after 8.Qd5! attacking the knight and threatening Qf7 checkmate.

8.h3!? Qe7 9.Nh4!

Black's main problem now is how to develop his light-square bishop. I think he would be happy to play Bg4 pinning my knight, so 8.h3 is a simple prophylactic move to avoid the pin. After all, Black´s weaknesses on the light squares are not going to escape anywhere... 8...Qe7 is another attempt to solve the light-square bishop problem. Black intends to play Be6, after which he would have a decent position. This means that we have to look for something quick that does not give Black the time to fix his position! And this is 9.Nh4, threatening a fork in g6 (remember, weaknesses on the light-squares?).

My opponent could not solve this problem. The position is already difficult and he lost after

9...Be6? 10.Ng6 Qd7 11.Bxe6 Qxe6 12.Nxh8

Winning a full rook. Can you see a better alternative for Black? There is one...I am giving the solution below. You can find this game on at the following link:

Let me know if you like it in the comments!












9...g5!? 10.Ng6 Qh7!

This was the idea behind 9...g5.

11.Nxh8 Qxe4+ 12.Qe2 Qxg2 13.Qf1 Qe4+ 14.Be3 Qh7

Winning back the knight (and two pawns), as 15.Nf7 d5!.

15.Nc3 Qxh8

White has a slightly better position, but it is definitely not over for Black yet.

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