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I will gladly send a copy of any of the manuscripts I co-authored to whoever is interested.

Feel free to contact me.






42. Ferrante M*, Kirsch F* & Westphal C. Stable pollinator communities in different white clover populations suggest potential win-win scenarios for crop yield and biodiversity. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment, 378, 109295.




​41. Ferrante M, Howe AG & Lövei GL. Experimental considerations support the use of artificial sentinel prey—a comment on Rodriguez-Campbell et al. Journal of Biogeography 51, 2152-2155.


40. Rosa-Schleich J, Loos J, Ferrante M, Mußhoff O & Tscharntke T. Mixed farmers' perception of the ecological-economic performance of diversified farming. Ecological Economics 220, 108174.


39. Lövei GL & Ferrante M. The use and future prospects of non-lethal methods in entomology. Annual Review of Entomology 69, 183198

doi: 10.1146/annurev-ento-120220-024402


38. Ferrante M*, Schulze M* & Westphal C. Hedgerows can promote predation rates in wheat fields in homogeneous landscapes. Journal of Environmental Management 349, 119498.



37. Lamelas-Lopez L, Ferrante M, Borges PA, do Rosário IA & Neves V. Nest predation of Cory's shearwater Calonectris borealis (Aves, Procellariiformes) by introduced mammals on Terceira Island, Azores. Biodiversity Data Journal 11, e112871.


36. Robinson M, et al. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain variability in global herbivory. Science 382, 679-683.


35. Ganem Z*, Ferrante M*, Lubin Y, Steinpress IA, Gish M, Sharon R, Harari AR, Keasar T & Gavish-Regev E. Effects of natural habitat and season on cursorial spider assemblages in Mediterranean vineyards. Insects 14, 782.


34. Ferrante M, Lavigne L, Caballero M, Tarantino E, Horta Lopes D, Monjardino P, Lövei GL & Borges PAV. Flowering coriander (Coriandrum sativum) strips do not enhance ecosystem services in Azorean orchards. Insects 14, 634.


33. Lövei GL, Ferrante M, Möller D, Möller G & Vincze E. The need for a (non-destructive) method revolution in entomology. Biological Conservation 282, 110075


32. Ferrante M, Lövei, GL, Nunes R, Monjardino P, Lamelas-López L, Möller D, Soares AO & Borges PAV. Gains and losses in ecosystem services and disservices after converting native forest to agricultural land on an oceanic island. Basic and Applied Ecology 68, 1-12.



31. Valdes-Correcher E, et al. Herbivory on the pedunculate oak along an urbanization gradient in Europe: effects of impervious surface, local tree cover and insect feeding guild. Ecology & Evolution 12, e8709.


30. Ferrante M, Lamelas-López L, Nunes R, Monjardino P, Lopes DJH, Soares AO, Lövei GL & Borges PAV. A simultaneous assessment of multiple ecosystem services and disservices in vineyards and orchards on Terceira Island, Azores. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 330, 107909.


29. Ferrante M, Nunes R, Lamelas-López L, Lövei GL & Borges PAV. A novel morphological phenotype does not ensure reduced biotic resistance on an oceanic island. Biological Invasions 24, 987-997.



28. Borges PAV, et al. Monitoring Arthropods in Azorean Agroecosystems: the project AGRO-ECOSERVICES. Biodiversity Data Journal 9, e77548.


27. Ferrante M, Möller D, Möller G, Menares E, Lubin Y & Segoli M. Invertebrate and vertebrate predation rates in a hyper-arid ecosystem following an oil spill. Ecology & Evolution 11, 12153-12160.


26. Ferrante M, Dangol A, Didi-Cohen S, Winters G, Tzin V & Segoli M. Oil pollution affects the central metabolism of keystone Vachellia (Acacia) trees. Sustainability 66, 6660.


25. Valdes-Correcher E, et al. Search for top-down and bottom-up drivers of latitudinal trends in insect herbivory in oak trees in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30, 651–665.


24. Möller G, Keasar T, Shapira I, Möller D, Ferrante M & Segoli M. Effect of weed management on the parasitoid community in Mediterranean vineyards. Biology 10, 1.


23. Lamelas López L & Ferrante M. Using camera-trapping to assess grape consumption by vertebrate pests in a World Heritage vineyard region. Journal of Pest Science 94, 585–590.


22. Lövei GL, Lang A, Ferrante M & Bacle V. Can the growing of transgenic maize threaten protected Lepidoptera in Europe? Insect Science 28, 1159-1168.



21. Imboma TS, Ferrante M, You M-S Y, You S & Lövei GL. Diversity of bird communities in tea (Camellia sinensis) plantations in Fujian Province, south-eastern China. Diversity 12, 457.


20. Möller DM*, Ferrante M*, Möller GM, Rozenberg T & Segoli M. The impact of terrestrial oil pollution on parasitoid wasps associated with Vachellia trees in a desert ecosystem, Israel. Environmental Entomology 49, 1355–1362.


19. Ferrante M, Möller D, Möller G, Lubin Y & Segoli M. Seed predation on oil-polluted and upolluted Vachellia (Acacia) trees in a hyper-arid desert ecosystem. Insects 11, 665.


18. Salman I*, Ferrante M*, Möller D, Gavish-Regev E & Lubin Y. Trunk refugia: a simple, inexpensive method for sampling tree trunk arthropods. Journal of Insect Science 20, 5.


17. Lubin Y, Ferrante M, Musli I & Lövei GL. Diversity of ground spiders in desert habitats. Journal of Arid Environments 183, 104252.


16. Magura T, Ferrante M & Lövei GL. Only habitat specialists become smaller with advancing urbanisation. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29, 1978-1987.


15. González E, Seidl M, Kadlec T, Ferrante M & Knapp M. Distribution of ecosystem services within oilseed rape fields: effects of field defects on pest and weed seed predation rates. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 295, 106894.


14. Castagneyrol B, et al. Can school children support ecological research? Lessons from the ‘Oak bodyguard’ citizen science project. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 5, 10.


13. Kidane D, Ferrante M, Man XM, Liu WX, Wan FH & Yang, N.-W. Cold Storage Effects on Fitness of the Whitefly Parasitoids Encarsia sophia and Eretmocerus hayatiInsects 11, 428.


12. Zhang X, Ferrante M, Wan F, Yang N & Lövei GL. The parasitoid Eretmocerus hayati is compatible with barrier cropping to decrease whitefly (Bemisia tabaci MED) densities on cotton in China. Insects 11, 57.


11. Zhang X, Lövei GL, Ferrante M, Yang N & Wan F. The potential of trap and barrier cropping to decrease densities of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) on cotton in China. Pest Management Science 76, 366-374.



10. Ferrante M, et al. Predation pressure in maize across Europe and Argentina: an intercontinental comparison. Insect Science 26, 545-554.



9. Kale M, et al. The effect of urbanization on the functional and scale-sensitive diversity of bird assemblages in Central India. Journal of Tropical Ecology 34, 341-350.


8. Kale M, et al. Nestedness of bird assemblages along an urbanisation gradient in Central India. Journal of Urban Ecology, 4, juy017.



7. Ferrante M, Barone G, Kiss M, Bozóné-Borbáth E & Lövei GL. Ground-level predation on artificial caterpillars indicates no enemy-free time for lepidopteran larvae. Community Ecology 18, 280-286.


6. Ferrante M, Barone G & Lövei GL. The carabid Pterostichus melanarius uses chemical cues for opportunistic predation and saprophagy but not for finding healthy prey. BioControl 62, 741-747.


5. Ferrante M, González E & Lövei GL. Predators do not spill over from forest fragments to maize fields in a landscape mosaic in central Argentina. Ecology & Evolution 19, 7699-7707.


4. Mansion-Vaquié A, Ferrante M, Cook SM, Pell JK & Lövei GL. Manipulating field margins to increase predation intensity in fields of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). Journal of Applied Entomology 141, 600-611.


3. Lövei GL* & Ferrante M*. A review of the sentinel prey method as a way of quantifying invertebrate predation under field conditions. Insect Science 24, 528-542.


2. Begg GS, et al. A functional overview of conservation biological control. Crop Protection 97, 145-158.



1. Ferrante M, Lo Cacciato A & Lövei GL. Quantifying predation pressure along an urbanisation gradient in Denmark using artificial caterpillars. European Journal of Entomology 111, 649-654.​

© Marco Ferrante
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